Tooth Extractions – Broken Arrow

Wave Your Troublesome Tooth Goodbye!

A tooth extraction is never the first choice for your dentist. It is always best to restore the health of a natural tooth whenever possible. However, sometimes extractions are necessary to preserve the well-being of the rest of your smile. That’s why at Berkshire Dental Group , we offer tooth extractions. If you think it may be time to wave your troublesome tooth goodbye, don’t hesitate to give us a call to schedule an appointment. This way, we can examine your smile and determine if a tooth extraction is the right solution for you.

Why Choose Berkshire Dental Group for Emergency Dental Care?

  • Dental Sedation Options
  • We Welcome Dental Insurance
  • Flexible Financing Available

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Woman with a toothache

We will always do everything we can to help patients keep their natural teeth, but sometimes this isn’t a possibility. Here are some common reasons why a tooth extraction may be needed to keep the rest of your smile healthy:

  • You have severe, irreparable damage or decay
  • A tooth is impacted and unable to properly erupt
  • A primary tooth isn’t falling out on its own
  • To allow a patient to undergo orthodontic treatment
  • An extraction is necessary for the long-term success of a restoration
  • There isn’t enough room in the mouth to accommodate wisdom teeth

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Dentist performing a procedure

Teeth are removed by one of two methods – pulling or surgical extraction. Teeth are only “pulled” if they have fully emerged from the gumline. In this case, we will begin by numbing the area around your tooth and using a clasping tooth to shift it around until it releases from the gum line.

If pulling a tooth isn’t an option, the tooth will need to be surgically extracted. For this procedure, a small incision is made into the gum tissue, allowing us to reach it and remove it completely. We offer several dental sedation options to make this procedure as comfortable as possible.

To determine the ideal extraction method for you, we need to closely examine your smile in person. If necessary, we will also discuss tooth replacement options to prevent future complications related to missing teeth.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Woman using a cold compress

Before you leave the office, we will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to reduce your probability of complications and remain comfortable. Everyone’s case is different, but here are some of the key steps we generally recommend for a quick recovery:

  • Rinse with saltwater 24 hours after your procedure
  • Avoid using tobacco products until your mouth has healed
  • Elevate your head while sleeping
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Take recommended over-the-counter and prescribed medications as directed
  • Apply a cold compress to reduce discomfort and inflammation
  • Stick to a soft-food diet

Tooth Extraction FAQs

Is there an alternative to a tooth extraction?

The goal of our dental team at Berkshire Dental Group is to always save your natural tooth. Various tooth replacements can be lifelike and built to last (i.e., dental implants), but nothing is better than your original smile. When it comes to whether there is an alternative for tooth extraction in Broken Arrow, it ultimately depends on why it is recommended in the first place.

If you have extensive decay, a root canal might be enough to treat the problem. If advanced gum disease is the culprit, deep cleaning with scaling and root planing may be enough to restore your gum health. However, if these options prove unsuccessful, the only viable solution is to remove the unhealthy tooth.

You can remain confident, though, that Dr. Sprague and Dr. Beller will ensure your safety and comfort throughout the procedure as well as provide thorough instructions for a successful recovery.

Can I smoke after getting a tooth extracted?

It is highly recommended that you do not smoke after having a tooth extracted; in fact, it’s best if you try to kick the habit beforehand. The reason is that tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes suppress your immune system and make it harder to heal.

You should plan to avoid smoking or using tobacco for at least five days after your extraction procedure, but it is best to wait a full two weeks.

You can always talk to our team about resources to help you quit smoking so that you don’t risk complications during your recovery.

What can I do to speed up the healing time?

It’s important that you follow the instructions provided by our team when entering the healing phase of your treatment. For example, you should not exercise or engage in strenuous activity for at least 24 hours. You’ll also want to keep your head elevated.

You should also:

  • Keep the gauze in place for however long your dentist in Broken Arrow recommends, as this will ensure a blood clot forms.
  • Avoid touching the wound with your tongue or fingers.
  • Avoid alcohol-based mouthwash and acidic foods, as this can irritate the area.
  • Avoid sipping through a straw, spitting, or rinsing vigorously, as this can cause the blood clot to dislodge and form a dry socket.
  • Use a cold compress to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Take any pain medication as instructed (avoid aspirin, as this can prevent a blood clot from forming)

Abiding by these helpful tips will ensure that you heal swiftly and without any complications.

What risks are involved with tooth extraction?

Tooth extractions are considered extremely safe procedures; however, you should understand that no dental treatment is completely without risk. When removing a tooth, the greatest concern is infection. A dry socket is also a possibility, and it can cause pain while delaying the healing process. To ensure that you do not experience either problem, you will want to make sure to follow the aftercare instructions we provide. This will detail which symptoms are normal and which ones you should look out for as well as what you can and cannot eat and how to maintain your oral health during the healing process.