Restorative Dentistry – Broken Arrow, OK

Renew Your Damaged Teeth

Cavities, physical trauma, root canal infections – there are many different problems your smile can experience. When teeth are damaged, they cannot fix themselves. You’ll need a dental expert to restore them for you. At Berkshire Dental Group , we offer beautiful, long-lasting fillings and crowns that will protect your teeth while also letting you maintain a confident smile; call us today to schedule a visit if you have a tooth or several teeth that need to be rebuilt with restorative dentistry in Broken Arrow, OK.

Why Choose
Berkshire Dental Group
for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Dental Office That Provides Compassionate Care
  • State of the Art Dental Technology
  • Long-Lasting, Lifelike Restorations

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Smile with tooth colored fillings examined during restorative dentistry visit

When you have a cavity that needs to be treated, we can place a filling to repair the damage and prevent any more bacteria from entering the tooth. Traditional fillings are made out of metal amalgam, but our dental office prefers tooth-colored fillings that blend in with the smile. Because these fillings bond with the tooth itself, they support the natural tooth structure in a way that metal fillings cannot, and they allow you to keep more natural enamel.

Dental Crowns 

Two dental crowns prior to placement

Crowns are helpful when your teeth have suffered from any damage that’s too extensive for a filling. The restoration will be designed to cover the entire natural tooth, holding the entire structure together and improving its overall strength. You may be familiar with traditional metal crowns, but tooth-colored metal-free options are also available. The materials used to make these crowns are extremely lifelike and can be customized to match the color of your teeth perfectly, but they are also durable enough to last for more than 15 years.