Reaching Career Goals: Put Your Smile to Work for You

November 13, 2023

woman giving a work presentation and smiling

When you were a kid, did you dream of what you’d be someday? Although you may not be a firefighter or a pop singer, you probably have some professional goals in mind. As important as technical knowledge and skills are, many soft skills and character traits can help you achieve these goals, such as grit and determination. But one asset that you probably haven’t thought much about is your smile.

Regardless of the work you do or where you want to go, your pearly whites can help make your path to success smoother. Keep reading to learn how cosmetic dentistry can help you at work.

Benefits of an Attractive Smile at Work

It may seem like a small thing, but feeling comfortable in letting your smile shine can have a significant impact and help you achieve your career goals. How can it do that?

Confidence Boost

No matter what industry or tasks you do for work, confidence is a key ingredient to professional success. Self-confidence can give assurance to your boss, co-workers, and customers. In fact, studies have found that people tend to trust those with a beautiful smile more than those who don’t have one.

In other words, you can show your trustworthiness without saying a word. You can win over your customers within seconds, helping you make additional sales, or win over your audience as you give a presentation or interview.

Working Well with a Team

Obviously, your ability to work in a team depends on more than your smile, but it certainly doesn’t hurt! Having an approachable, appealing smile can encourage others to view you as someone they want to work with. It can make you seem more friendly and collaborative, which can lead to better group work.

Cosmetic Procedures to Improve Your Smile

Just as no two sets of teeth are exactly the same, not everyone needs the same cosmetic dental procedure to achieve their best look. Here are just a few of the available treatments that can give you a more appealing appearance.


Whether you have a chipped, cracked, or otherwise flawed tooth, a ceramic shell-like covering can be placed over it. Veneers are crafted to look just like real teeth and blend in seamlessly with your smile. In just two appointments, you can completely transform your teeth and feel proud to show them off more often.

Teeth Whitening

If coloration is your main complaint, professional teeth whitening can remove up to 10 shades of stains in as little as one hour or at home with custom whitening trays.

Gum Recontouring

Sometimes, the problem is not having a balanced smile. Having too much gum tissue show can make your teeth appear small, but laser gum recontouring corrects this imperfection and creates proportional aesthetics.

In the end, your teeth and gums aren’t the only determining factor for your success, but it can open doors and opportunities for you, giving you the chance to achieve your career goals.

About the Practice

At Berkshire Dental Group, we take the time to listen to your needs and wants. Dr. TJ Sprague and Dr. JP Beller both have extensive training and experience in cosmetic procedures and offer veneers, whitening, gum recontouring with a laser, and other treatments. To learn more about these services or meet with one of our doctors, you can contact our office in Broken Arrow online or call 918-250-9528.